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Stories from HERStory Camp

Asli Abdullahi

17 July 2023

Mount Evelyn Discovery Camp

During the recent school holidays, 19 young girls embarked on a transformative 3-day adventure at Mount Evelyn Discovery Camp. Stepping away from their technological devices, the girls immersed themselves in the beauty of the great outdoors, leaving their comfort zones behind. HERStory Camp provided a unique opportunity for these participants to forge new friendships, build self-confidence, and embrace the wonders of nature.

The HERStory Camp offered the girls a chance to learn and embrace a variety of outdoor activities. One highlight was the bush cooking activity, where the participants successfully mastered the art of making damper. Guided by a knowledgeable activity instructor, the girls prepared the damper in bowls before roasting it over a bonfire. The delicious treat was enjoyed with vegemite and butter, creating a moment of connection with First Nations Aboriginal culture. The bush cooking experience not only introduced the girls to a new culinary skill but also became a memorable way to bond and cherish their time together.


‘’The camp was a great experience especially since I learnt how to embrace and appreciate nature. Taking a break from the city life was much needed. Most importantly I made new connections and memorable memories that I’ll never forget.’’ - Inas, Camp Participant 


HERStory Camp aims to help culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) young girls to break free from their comfort zones. Many participants were attending camp for the first time, including those who had recently arrived in the country. The camp's objective was to create an environment where the girls could build new relationships and gain enriching experiences. Through engaging in outdoor activities and forming deep connections, the participants grew in self-confidence and nurtured a strong sense of sisterhood.


The Mount Evelyn Discovery Camp provided a nurturing space for the girls to disconnect from their digital lives and embrace the camp environment fully. Through team-building exercises and shared experiences, the participants developed strong bonds and lasting memories. As they gathered around the campfire, laughter and companionship flourished, and along with it, a newfound appreciation for each other.


‘’In the embrace of the wilderness, I discovered the beauty of nature and the strength within myself. During a moonlit hike, fear tried to overpower me, but the unwavering support of my friends became a guiding light. In that intense moment, determination clashed with fear, revealing a transformative power within me. Together, we gracefully navigated nature's challenges, overcoming treacherous slopes, and forging our own path. With each step, we fostered teamwork, using creativity and solidarity to conquer slippery terrain. Gathered around the campfire, laughter and companionship flourished. Through toasting marshmallows and engaging in deep conversations, personal growth blossomed. The boundary between humanity and nature blurred, unveiling my deep-rooted love for the natural world. This camp experience has left an indelible mark on my spirit, engraving courage, friendship, and self-discovery into my being’’.  - Habon, Camp Participant

The success and positive impact of HERStory Camp continues to grow, as 30 more youth girls are eagerly anticipating their upcoming camp experience in early October. The program's commitment to fostering camaraderie, self-discovery, and appreciation for nature make it an inspiring journey for young girls seeking to embrace the beauty of the great outdoors and form lasting connections.


HERStory Camp's adventure-packed experience empowers young girls to embrace nature, discover their inner strength, and build meaningful friendships. Through captivating activities, laughter-filled nights around the campfire, and shared moments of growth, the participants leave the camp with newfound confidence, unforgettable memories, and the foundation of a sisterhood that transcends boundaries. With each passing camp, HERStory continues to create a ripple effect of positivity and empowerment among CALD girls, enriching lives and creating a place for connection and self-discovery.

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