An immersive AFL-themed Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics excursion with cutting-edge technology.

Taking place in our brand new, state-of-the-art facility, students can expect a fun and memorable day where they are required to think critically and work collaboratively to achieve Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics challenges, such as building a pendulum to kick a ball through the goals.
Students will explore concepts such as artificial and emotional intelligence, grit, and mindset as well as identify their own characteristics that will support students to 'win’ throughout life.
What does it cost schools to participate in Game Day?
Game Day is FREE for schools.
What year levels is Game Day suitable for?
Game Day is aimed at students in grades 5 and 6.
Where is Game Day?
Game Day is located in The Huddle, which is based at the North Melbourne Football Club. 204-206 Arden St, North Melbourne VIC 3051.
Is Game Day aligned to the Victorian Curriculum?
Yes, Game Day is aligned to content descriptors within Mathematics, Science, and Design and Technologies Learning Areas, along with the Critical and Creative Thinking and Personal and Social Capability Curriculum.